"It's the rain. We hate it, but it's every raindrop - it's every harsh element that runs down our faces that traces out who we are. Our shape. Our space in the world the rain cannot displace.
But never lose hope.
For the same, sad world that brings the rain,
also gives us the sun."

Basic Information

Name: Naraan of the Oronir Tsahar
Age: 24
DoB: 25th sun, 6th umbral moon
Race: Xaela, Au Ra
Gender: Female
Orientation: Demisexual
Alignment: Neutral-Good
Occupations: Udgan and mother


Facial Features: Naraan's visage stands somewhere between soft and round and slim, her cheeks and jaw lined with facial scales, with dark freckles like stars dusted across her face. A small scale sits on a rather straight nose which fills the space between eyes of an ocean-blue coloring, long lashes and slightly upturned tails. Thin eyebrows above it all and above even that is dark purple hair, oft mistaken for black that tends to go no lower than her chin in most cases.Build: A woman, standing slightly over the average height of females for her race at 5 fulms, and 6 ilms, 145 ponze, she sports a balanced muscle tone. Scarred brown skin beneath dark scales, she is still rather slim, reflecting her inclination towards speed and agility, rather than pure strength with strong, flexible limbs. Along with her slim build is a slim tail, spiked towards the end, whiplike in appearance.**Notable Features: **Naraan has all but lost her Steppe accent, leaning closely into Ul'dahn, although her Old Auri still retains it, oddly enough.Upon her right arm is the name HARU that seems to be have been crudely branded into the flesh in Eorzean, though it has since been embellished as a tattoo, imagery of the sun on the H and the moon on the U with a wreath of sunflowers connecting them.And last lastly, while her scars are many, none stand out more than the one across her front that is hard to miss. Cutting a diagonal path from her left shoulder to her right hip, it's not only long, but rather wide as well with strands arcing away as if she'd been attacked with a blade of lightning rather than steel.


Though not completely uncaring, due to the various events that have occurred since arriving to Eorzea, the kindness and friendliness she has held toward people has become limited and she is more likely to prioritize immediate friends and family over strangers.She can be quite motherly, bordering on nagging but she cares deeply for those she gets to know and will absolutely treat them as a pseudo-son or daughter, though she will ease off if she sees that it bothers said person(or simply become more subtle about it).This does not mean she has become completely cold towards the suffering of others and will offer a helping hand if no one else truly can but her patience is more limited and if rejected enough times she will cease to offer help and simply let people struggle on their own. Despite her own troubles she will still listen to the woes of people if possible and offer advice, unwanted or wanted. However she has zero sympathy for people who continue to make the same mistakes and lament on the harm it causes and will immediately become blunt to get the point across.Despite this, Naraan is generally a relaxed and approachable person and enjoys speaking of topics pertaining to combat or spirituality, and has no problems listening to others speak of their faith or religion. Due to her upbringing on the Steppes and subsequent move to Eorzea she is keen to the problems of her kin and will often make herself directly or indirectly involved in tribal disputes, attempting to defuse the situation.
Above all else Naraan has a hopeful demeanor and always believes there is a silver lining for most, and though it has been damaged she retains the ideal that you can find some good in every soul.


(Formerly) of the Oronir: Naraan once wore the colors of the Oronir, those Xaela who believe themselves descended directly from the Sun, though she still visits the Dawn Throne under the guise of a friendly wanderer through the good graces of her father.Wolf Shaman: Naraan joined up with a group of shaman over a year ago working to improve the lot of those who lived in the Steppes. Harrying raiders who target weaker tribes, her identity is kept hidden beneath the headdress of a horned wolf and through this is she known, currently sought by the Buduga and the Khatayin, among other tribes who tend to kidnap more frequently for thwarting many of their efforts to subjugate lone Xaela and weaker tribes, though none of these people have lost a life to her. Outside of that, in public she offers spiritual guidance to Xaela far and wide, regardless of tribal affiliations, blessings and so on.Raised by Dawn, Born by Dusk: Naraan was raised Oronir, but she shares the blood of the desert dwelling Kagon tribe through her mother who met her Oroniri father at a young age, conceiving Naraan. Her mother was banished and Naraan is the spitting image of her mother and because of this is offered hostility at worst and disdain at best from Kagon who know of her "sun-tainted" birth.Friend To The Undying: A friend to the Dotharl by way of a man who passed and was reborn again, she, unlike her former Oronir tribesmen, has no quarrel with those Xaela in blue (under normal circumstances) and often makes friends easily with the combat-minded tribe in spite of the overwhelming differences in ideals and philosophy.A New Mother, A Doting Lover: Naraan had her first child, who is now nearly four years old, an adorable little girl who can be seen on her hip or in her arms every now and again or in the care of trusted individuals. Recently she also had three more beloved children in a surprising twist as triplets.

Her People

Naraan's life revolves around her relationships, romantic, familial or otherwise. Her connections are many and she cherishes each and everyone of them. Some have had more impact in her life than others and so those individuals are what make up this gallery.

OOC Information

Welcome to the OOC section of this Carrd. This won't be too long...I am an 18+ NA player on the Mateus server and I live on the West Coast
My available RP times(or times I am ingame) can vary but I am active from about 9AM-12PM PST(12PM-3PM EST) or 3PM-12AM PST(6PM-3AM EST)
I am generally okay with most forms of RP, planned or not and both in-game and Discord. More mature themes can(and should) be discussed beforehand so we all know what we're getting into.Be aware that I acknowledge that neither of us are our characters, however if my character or anything she says or does bothers you for any reason you are free to discontinue RPing with them. This is something we do for fun and it does not do us any good to force RP. This is something I will stick to from my end, as well.Artist Credit: